Hon.African Mande , the Commissioner General for South Sudan Revenue.

Hon.African Mande , the Commissioner General for South Sudan Revenue Authority paid a cartusy call to His Majesty King Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue at the Azande Kingdom Palace in Yambio, the Commissioner General for Revenue Authority appreciate the Azande Kingdom to be one of great civilization of South Sudan and an important institution that aid the government and keep culture and history for generations, he congratulate the Azande people for having their kingdom restored.
His Majesty King welcomed the Commissioner General and appreciate his leadership and hard work at the national government that administer the economic institution that manage the resources of the country, H.M.King thank him for visiting the Azande Kingdom , and the kingdom recognized Hon.Africano Mande as great son of Western Equatoria State who cater for his people across the state.The Commissioner General was accompanied by H.E Deputy Governor of WES and Rt.Hon.Speaker of WES and Ministers from the WES government

AZANDE KINGDOM JOIN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFARS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION and Celebrates Historic Graduation of 123 South Sudanese Diplomats in Juba

By. Hon Eng. Boutros Magaya

September 4, 2024, JUBA, South Sudan – The Azande Kingdom proudly joins MF&IC to celebrate the graduation of 123 diplomats from all states of South Sudan, including six Azande (10 from Western Equatoria) at a ceremony held at the Pyramid Hotel in Juba.

The event highlighted the significant role of His Majesty the King in creating opportunities for community members and enhancing services within the kingdom.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation expressed appreciation for the presence of His Royal Banyeki, Prince Taddeo Sasa, Prime Minister of the Azande at the event. Accompanying him were high level Kingdom delegation including Hon. Eng Boutros Magaya Ngbangano(MP), Hon. Mama Grace Datiro (Former D/Minister MFA&IC), Mulana Mathew Sometime, Dr. Linda Albert Fandas, Madam Ann Michael Hajixiros, and Mr Sanango Bagidi.

Among the graduates was Mrs. Seba Murangi, who was seconded from the Azande Kingdom to acquire the diplomatic skills and knowledge that will be transferred to promotion of diplomacy in the Kingdom.

The Prime minister conveyed the special greetings and appreciation of the King of Azande, His Majesty and Royal Highness, King Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue for historic event.

The Azande Kingdom expressed its gratitude to Hon Ramadan Mohammad Abdalla Goc the Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Sudan for his unwavering commitment to the development of local training of diplomats, promotion of diversity and inclusivity, and advancing of unity among the people of South Sudan which was evident from his noble speech. The Prime minister also acknowledged the efforts of Ambassador Sentina Gabriel Ndefu in strengthening the relationship between the Azande Kingdom and the Ministry.

The 3 month training was conducted in partnership with MF&IC Institute of Diplomatic Studies (IDS), and funded by UNDP was also attended by Senior Government Officials, Representatives of Diplomatic Missions and international organisations.